BD Kiestra™ ReadA

Intelligent incubation and imaging system. Standardize incubation, imaging and results interpretation.

BD Kiestra™ Total Lab Automation (TLA) System

Scalable solution to help you enhance laboratory operations and advance laboratory operations.

BD Kiestra™ IdentifA

Automated colony picking and MALDI target spotting

Cervical sample collection

BD enables cervical sample collection with greater HSIL+ detection through the BD SurePath™ liquid-based Pap test.

BD SlidePrinter glass slide printer

The BD SlidePrinter glass slide printer automatically prints any information you choose from your LIS directly to glass slides.

BD Totalys™ SlidePrep

The BD Totaly™s SlidePrep prepares and stains gynecological and nongynecological slides

BD AutoShield Duo™ pen needle

The BD AutoShield Duo pen needle is a 5-mm pen needle that enables a wide variety of clinical and patient benefits in insulin injection.

BD Durasafe™ CSE needle set

The BD Durasafe CSE needle set comes with a BD Whitacre pencil-point spinal needle and a variable extension adapter.

BD glass LOR syringe

Our glass loss-of-resistance (LOR) syringe features a smoothly moving plunger designed to facilitate location of the epidural space.

BD sharps disposal by mail

BD sharps disposal by mail provides a prepaid box you can use to mail in your used insulin syringes, pen needles and lancets for destruction

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